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Remember those tin lunchboxes everyone had as a kid? They were sturdy little lunch pails that held everything from your sandwich and juice box to your pudding or fruit cup. Sometimes they even had a Fruit-by-the-foot inside, and everything fit together perfectly--a little bit like a well-played game of Tetris. 

The Tin Lunchbox (that's us!) does the same thing: We provide a variety of shared information from featured artists and literary endeavors to recipe sharing that all fits flawlessly into one place. Granted, we aren't working with physical  lunchboxes, but it is fun to imagine all the same.

Lit Talk

The Glamorganshire Bible by Lynne Viti

Shawna Caro

Lynne Viti’s poems are one-of-a-kind. They pull the reader into the scene as if you were the family of the ancestor, the lover, the observer, the abandoned daughter. It is easy to want to know more about the ancestral ties. Yet somehow Viti has crafted each poem into a consciousness that knows enough. Though each poem works well as a stand-alone of life experience, personal and cultural history, private emotion—they also provide a long, deep look into a familial record that is profound and complicated despite commonly shared experiences. Her poems are relatable, unique, moving, and steeped in her own heartstrings. This is a collection you will not want to miss.

If you would like to purchase a copy of The Glamorganshire Bible, you can order it from the author herself HERE